Volcanic Eruptions Are Real and Tangible Threat
Every day around the world natural disasters occur. Some come unexpectedly, but most have warning signs prior to their arrival. Unfortunately, no matter how sophisticated our technology, tracking and warning systems have become it is not uncommon for the storms or other natural disasters to confound the experts and either act unpredictably or turn out to be much worse than predicted.
Most natural disasters tend to come in waves. They are cyclical. Weather related events commonly happen as a result of other related conditions; drought, flooding, high humidity, colliding weather fronts and more. Earthquakes too are a result of many precursory events that culminate in a shift of tectonic plates. Most of the precursory events are easily tracked, but you cannot accurately predict the severity or the extremity of the effects.
We all need to be aware, informed and prepared for what to do in the event of the threat of any one of these events.
The associated pages listed on the right and below are primers to help set you off an important process of education, awareness and hopefully preparedness
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PracticeSurvival.com Disclaimer Notice
All of the information on this website is offered on the strict basis that you and others will exercise proper caution and care in doing any of the things that are presented on this site.  YOU are solely responsible for the use to which you put this material. You must take responsibility for your own actions.
These pages are intended to open your eyes, begin your road to enlightenment. We are on a shoe string budget so we do our best to edit and error check, if there may be some typos for which we appologize in advance. The idea is to introduce ideas for you to investigate further and prepare you to understand his classes. Some activities related to wilderness survival and preparedness can be dangerous if done without proper care and attention. Please be careful and attentive when engaging in any of these activities.
Be reasonable, responsible, take proper precautions, and exercise common sense.
The techniques shown on this website are meant solely for use in primitive wilderness survival and emergency off grid situations. Please note that in most places it is illegal to use some of the methods suggested to capture animals unless you are actually in a life and death survival situation.

Contact Info: PO Box 1448, Bellmawr, NJ 08099 USA   Email: webmaster@practicesurvival.com  Phone: 856-861-0300 William R DeCuzzi